Online Application

AWARD: $1,000 scholarship

Applications must be received by: March 15th, 2025

ESSAY: Provide a written 500 word essay reflecting on how something or someone has inspired you to pursue your future area of study. Essays will be judged by a panel and selected based on creativity, adherence to the essay topic and technical merit. You will be prompted to upload your essay at the end of the application form.

Scholarship applicants must:

  • Be a member of a high school senior class and pursue a degree as a full-time student in an approved program.
  • Applicants must be high school seniors and be a current resident of the City of Wixom and have resided in Wixom for at least 2 years OR be a high school senior at any Walled Lake Consolidated High School.

  • Accept that the Scholarship will be awarded on an annual basis and disbursed in one (1) payment of $1,000, paid directly to the College or University.
  • Accept that if any tuition funds are refunded to the scholarship awardee due to dropped classes or the like, the awardee will be required to reimburse the WCF up to the scholarship amount of $1,000.
  • Provide a written essay as described above.
  • Provide a written resume describing interests, classes and work-related activities, voluntary or paid.
  • Provide two (2) letters of recommendation; one (1) from a current teacher and one (1) from current guidance counselor.

Questions regarding Wixom Community Foundation Scholarships may be directed to the WCF by e-mail at [email protected] or by letter to Wixom Community Foundation.

Checklist: You will need to complete all of the items below:

1) Letter of interest/introduction

2) Completed Application Form

3) Essay 

4) Resume

5) Two (2) Letters of Recommendation (1 Teacher and 1 Counselor)

Documents can uploaded at the end of this application.

WCF Form

Step 1 of 5
